2025 is now in full swing with preparation for the Blackall Black Stump bull sale well underway. We have 3 bulls catalogued, all Polly, good sheathed and great temperament. All have been semen and morphology tested. Please see links to their YouTube videos below and if you have any further enquiries, please give us a call.
A fantastic opportunity to secure two young heifers with lovely temperaments, good coats and depth in their breeding. Both are Poll tested, pompes and pesti free. We look forward to presenting these at the Gayndah Elite Braford Sale on the 22nd Of March. The committee are doing a fantastic job bringing this sale together so we look forward to seeing you there. Any questions, feel free to give us a call.
A heartfelt thank you to all buyers and underbidders on your support for our bulls at the National sale this year. We are truly humbled. MCN Iceman topped the sale at $45,000, and is heading to a great home at Harriett Valley Brafords, Gayndah. Our draft of 9 bulls averaged $22,779. We thank you again and look forward to preparing our sale bulls for 2025!
Heifers sold strongly at the 20th anniversary New Dimension, and we were very happy with how our 5 strong draft performed with an average of $4,300. We would like to thank repeat buyers Bill and Bernice Foster of Beudesert for their purchase of MCN Halo (P), by Donrinda Menzies for $6,000. We also thank all our other buyers and underbidders for their support of our genetics. We look forward to bringing another team next year.
Please click on the button below to view the YouTube links for each specific bull to watch his video. 
As the dust settles from the 2023 National Braford Sale, we are so grateful to achieve 100% clearance under the current market conditions. We also equal topped the sale with MCN Olympus, sold for $32,000, we thank Ascot Nieman Brafords for this purchase and wish you all the best with him. Our 10 bulls sold for an average of $14,000. We would also like to congratulate the Dingle family at Chasewater Brafords for their equal topped price bull.
2023 Braford sale in Rochampton is imminent, bulls are coming along nicely. Please click on photos below to see youtube footage of each lot. We look forward to catching up with everyone soon".
2023 New Dimension Sale

The New Dimension Sale is upon us. We have one bull and six heifers entered into this years draft, one of which is MCN Chika whose proceeds will be donated to Ronald McDonald House, a charity fully deserving of the support.
Please click on the photo below to look at the individual lots.
Please stay tuned in the coming weeks for our National sale lots to be uploaded on this page.
They are coming along well, so please see a sneak peak of this years draft in the video below.
The 2023 Black Stump sale is upon us again We are really happy with how our three bulls have prepared for this sale and always look forward to catching up with clients and other vendors out there.
Please click on the videos of the three lots for inspection and to see all their data.
It’s been a massive week at the 2022 National Braford sale, in Rockhampton. We are, however, all smiles with our run of bulls selling extremely well. The 7 registered bulls averaged $22,300 and 1 Herd Bull made $9,000. We want to thank long term supporters, the Acton and Robson families for purchasing our two top priced bulls. We are also pleased that three bulls from our run are headed to stud operations, we look forward to seeing their progeny in catalogues soon. Wonderful to see such a wonderful result for the Braford breed as a whole with a clearance of 97% and an av. of $15,611. Thanks goes to the sale committee for another well run event. Now, its back to the drawing board with Calves beginning to drop and preparations beginning for another exciting year ahead in 2023!
Please click on the flyer below to view Youtube videos of each individual animal.
September is all but upon us, and the excitement for the National Braford sale is building! We are pleased with the draft of bulls we are presenting this year, our first to be auctioned by Donrinda Menzies (PP). They include 7 registered bulls and one herd bull, 6 tested Poll and 2 tested PP! All been Soundness Evaluated, Morphology tested and have Breedplan data. Please click on links below to view youtube videos of each individual animal.
A great day out at the 18th New Dimension Braford Sale at Bell with strong demand for Brafords.
A big thanks to long term supporters Mal and Cindy McQueen, Winton on the purchase of MCN Geoffrey for $14,000.
Thanks to Lewis Cammack, Kilcoy on the purchase of the highest price female for the day, MCN Florence, for $8,000 and MCN Margaret $7,000. Lewis purchased a total of 4 heifers from us. We also thank the Donovan family, Ashby Brafords and Welbourn Hill Pastoral for their purchases.
Our 6 heifers averaged $5,500.”
Thanks to all buyers and underbidders support.
Guess who: 2022 National Braford sale sold for $34,000 to the Moger Family, Triple S Brafords, Capella.
Jumangi: 2022 National Brafords sale sold for $20,000 to D & J Robson, Morven.
Blackall: 2022 Black Stump Sale sold for $16,500 to NR Pacholke, Sunny Lawn Brafords, Clifton.
Paddock Sales:
Inspections and paddock sales for both Bulls and females are always welcome.
Don: 0418 856 526
Tim: 0488 928 301
Mark: 0492 813 794
Email: info@mcnbrafords.com.au
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